MolyArmor 350 Corrosion Inhibitor provides excellent corrosion protection and is easy to test for maintenance levels, with a test strip (no messy chemicals for testing). One gallon of MolyArmor 350 treats 200 gallons of system water. To test the moly level, dip the test strip in the water sample taken from the furnace sight gauge tube; then shake off excess water and compare color to the chart. Timing of visual comparison to the chart is important. If the color is the same or darker than the 350 ppm treatment level indicator, then the moly protection level is good. There are no concerns if the moly level is higher than 350 ppm. The pH test will be used to confirm pH is between the treatment level of 8.0 and 9.5.
If the MolyArmor 350 is properly maintained and the moly level never drops below 350 ppm, the system water does not have to be drained annually. If water is added to the system, it is necessary to add MolyArmor 350 as needed to achieve the 350 ppm treatment level. Immediately identify where the leak in the system is occurring and repair. With MolyArmor 350 Corrosion Inhibitor, the level of molybdate, the passivation agent, will not be reduced if bacterial contamination occurs. Bacteria in a system still needs to be controlled by heating the system to 185°F if water is added.
The molybdate-based inhibitors have been proven through decades of use. MolyArmor 350 Corrosion Inhibitor will ensure that a water jacket corrosion failure will not occur when the system water is maintained with MolyArmor 350 at the recommended levels, and the pH and makeup water quality is as recommended.
If the furnace currently is properly treated with 1650XL or 1650XL plus MolyBoost, the operator can choose to add MolyArmor 350 to achieve the 350 ppm treatment level (verified using the moly test strip). It is still important to continue to test the nitrite level each 6 months. If the nitrite level falls below the maintenance level of 1500 ppm, the furnace should be drained, flushed and refilled using MolyArmor 350 to the recommended level, a minimum of 350 ppm.
MolyArmor 350 is compatible with uninhibited (raw) propylene glycol for those using antifreeze